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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Wisconsin Precision Rifle Challenge (WPRC) is a community of like-minded individuals who come together six or seven times a year to enjoy camaraderie, build friendships, and compete in PRS sanctioned matches.


    Founded by John Chitko in 2016, WPRC initially held matches at RCLGC. In 2018, Ken Wheeler took over leadership and, with his wife Missy, expanded the club into one of the nation's largest. They regularly hosted over 100 shooters at the Highlands Sportsmans Club near Cascade, WI, until 2023.


    That year, Ken passed ownership to me, Rick Kutcher. Brian Cisar (Match Director), Chris Gobeli (Admin), and I have strived to continue the legacy built by John, Ken, and Missy. In 2024, we averaged around 100 shooters per match and welcomed over 250 unique participants. WPRC matches are currently held at Columbus Sportsmans Association near Columbus, WI.


  • Absolutely! This is a highly welcoming sport, and we love to have people come check it out who are considering getting involved! You might even find yourself behind someone else’s rifle trying out a stage!

    It is suggested you contact the Match Director for the event you’d like to spectate so you can get specific instructions on when to arrive, and who to see to sign liability releases upon your arrival.

  • Regional Series matches vary by club, but they must be open to registration at least 30 days prior, but no early than 120 days. Check with the club you are interested in competing at for details.

    Pro-Series matches open for registration 120 days prior to the match beginning.

  • See the Match Dates page.

  • Virtually anyone.  Matches will have different requirements when it comes to minors competing, but otherwise, the only real requirement is a minimum of proficiency in which to engage targets at distance, safely.


  • Scoring is very straightforward; one point per impact. There are no targets of different values, or variable point scoring zones on targets.

    A shooter’s match score is calculated as a percentage (rounded to the nearest hundredth) of their points against the division winner’s points. For example, if the winner of your division has 87 points, and you have 76, your match score is calculated as follows: 76 / 87 x 100 = 87.36

  • These matches are intended to ensure a more level field of competition. They are selected from some of the more difficult matches, and their lower numbers are intended to ensure high turn-out of competitive shooters. The scores from these matches are going to be more hard-won.

    The Regional Series and Pro-Series both have qualifier matches. 

    You must shoot a qualifier match to be eligible to shoot either the Regional or Pro series finale.


  • If you do not have a rifle or optic, and are looking at buying either/both, be aware that there may be better options in your price range than you would think, from great brands you’ve either never heard of, or never knew were producing precision rifles.

    Check out the Precision Rifle blog for more information.

    WPRC also has a custom demo rifle available to new shooters. If available it may serve to highlight options worth considering on your next rifle.

  • When you’re just starting off in shooting matches, if you have a set-up that will meet the minimum requirements, then yes- it is all good enough. You need to be able to accurately engage targets out to 1000 yards; to do that, you only need a reasonably accurate rifle and ammunition, and a scope with target / tactical turrets, in just about any modern centerfire rifle cartridge.

    The primary issue that could make a set-up which otherwise falls into those minimum requirements problematic is lack of a detachable magazine.
    You can absolutely shoot a match with an internal magazine, but it will quickly become a point of annoyance since nearly every stage will exceed your magazine capacity. Ideally, you arrive to a match with at least two 10 round capacity magazines. Lower capacity magazines are fine, but you’ll need spares.

    You may outgrow what you have now, but that does not mean what you have now will not serve the purpose while you’re starting out.

  • Aside from restrictions to the specific divisions, the only limitations are on cartridge/caliber and velocity.  PRS rules state the rifle must be .30cal or less, with a velocity of 3200fps or less.  Velocity may be tested at any point during a match; there is a 32fps allowance for atmospheric and chronograph variances.  Some matches may set more restrictive limitations such as a slightly lower velocity or specifying .300 Win Mag as the most powerful cartridge permitted.

  • There isn’t much by way of required equipment.  At the most basic level, you will need a rifle and bipod, with a scope having externally adjustable target/tactical turrets, and ideally, a reticle designed for measured, accurate holds.  Good drop and wind data is required, and you’ll also need 90-230 rounds of ammunition depending on the particular match you are shooting.

    There are a variety of shooting accessories that you’ll see at a match such as different shooting bags, tripods, complex bipods, spotting scopes, binoculars, wind meters, and various other electronics and gadgets.  These are all extras, and most all of them can be borrowed from your fellow shooters, where they will usually be more than happy to give you some tips on how to employ the equipment as well.  We suggest you wait to purchase these extra items until after you’ve borrowed a number of them from fellow shooters to see what works best for you.

Series & Membership

  • You can learn more about memberships and purchase your membership on this Membership page.

  • Don’t confuse PRS Memberships with memberships for individual clubs. WPRC members have the option of purchasing a membership, which along with shooting a minimum of two regular-season matches, is a requirement to shoot the WPRC finales. This membership includes a t-Shirt and exclusive discounts with industry companies like Vortex Optics, Impact Precision Shooting, Masterpiece Arms, Bartlein Barrels, Krieger Barrels, 5x5 Precision, JE Precision and Boomer's Firearms.

    The Precision Rifle Series has the option for shooters to purchase additional memberships for the different series; this includes the Regional Series and the Pro-Series. When a shooter purchases a membership, they are then in competition for an invitation to the finale for the specific series which they are a member. For example, if a shooter purchases a PRS Regional Series Membership, their scores will be tracked against other shooters in their region, which will give them a regional placement. The placement is used to determine who will be invited to the finale. Scores are taken from the three highest matches, one of which must be a qualifier match.

    In addition to score tracking, and being a requirement to shoot the PRS Series Finales, a membership will also get shooters exclusive discounts with companies in the firearms industry.

  • The Regional Series is the base of the PRS competition pyramid; it is the club series of PRS.  These are one day matches that often happen on a monthly basis at the same location.  Though there are a fair number of shooters who do take these matches very seriously, the majority are there with very little aspirations to win any significant titles.  These are your grassroots matches with grassroots shooters; getting together for the purpose of improving and competing against themselves, while enjoying time with friends.

    Being one day matches, the Regional Series is economical to participate in.  Most matches will be 9-10 stages, with a round count of 110 or less, and entry fees range from $60 to $90.  Often, you may live close enough to a regional series where you can leave early in the morning, shoot the match, and be home by dinner.  It may be advisable to plan lodging for an evening prior to arrival if you live more than an hour or two away; this ensures you’re well rested and can fully enjoy the match.

    WPRC, MPRSC, INPRC, IL, PPR, Buck Creek, Forster and West Branch are all Regional Series clubs, from the Great Lakes Region.

  • The Pro-Series is the middle-upper segment of the pyramid; these are two day matches, where a majority of shooters are seriously competing for placement.  That does not mean competitors cannot attend simply for fun; many do.  But you will find while everyone is still enjoying themselves, they are approaching the match with a view to win, or place highly rather than just spending time with their friends. These matches, being much larger, are far fewer, and dispersed throughout the country.

    Pro-Series matches are much more costly to participate in. Entry fees range from $225-$300, with a round count from 190-230. Being two days, lodging is required unless you’re fortunate enough to live in close proximity to the match in question. It is advised a competitor arrive Friday afternoon to sign in, zero their rifle, and if they wish, and it is offered, verify their data out to distance. Once entry fee, ammunition, food, travel and lodging costs are added up, Pro-Series matches can be pretty costly, especially in comparison to the Regional Series matches.

    The title “Pro-Series” can be a bit misleading; anyone may sign up to shoot a Pro-Series match. No prior match experience is required.


  • No equipment restrictions except the overall .30cal and 3200fps limits.

  • Identical to Open division, except limited to semi-auto rifles only.

    NOTE: A shooter with a semi-auto rifle may choose to compete in any of the bolt gun divisions instead of the Gas Gun Division, so long as they are otherwise qualified for that division.  However, a shooter cannot compete in more than one division in a single match.

  • Restricted to the long-standing military and law enforcement cartridges:

    • .223/5.56mm with a projectile weight of 77gr or less and velocity of 3000fps or less ( 30fps environmental consideration).

    • .308/7.62×51 with a projectile weight of 178gr or less, and a velocity of 2800fps or less (28fps environmental & equipment consideration).

  • Price is limited to $3000 MSRP for rifle and $2500 MSRP for optic. Rifle is not permitted to be significantly modified, which means it must not have been worked over by a gunsmith, must have the original trigger, stock/chassis, barrel, and all other major parts. Grips, brakes, bottom metal and other accessories are not restricted.

    For more information, see PRS rules section 2.3 .

  • Weight to include the rifle, optic,muzzle device, bipod, empty magazine, and all detachable accessories (suppressor, level, dope card, night vision rail, diving board etc, shall NOT exceed 13lbs 0oz.

    Sportsman Division rifles will be limited to 6.5 Creedmore.

    For further information see section 2.4 of the PRS rule book.


  • At the individual club level of the Regional series, specific categories may not receive club-specific tracking and acknowledgment. This is most often due to low turn-out in many of the categories. These categories are still tracked and reported to PRS to use on the Regional Series level, for proper recognition in Region-wide performance.

  • Anyone over the age of 55 is eligible to shoot in the Seniors Category in addition to their PRS Division.

  • All female shooters are eligible to shoot in the Ladies Category in addition to their PRS Division.

  • Anyone 17 years old or younger at the start of the season is eligible to shoot in the Juniors Category in addition to their PRS Division.

  • Any shooter who is a full time Active Duty Service Member or Full Time LEO is eligible to shoot in the Mil/LE Category in addition to their PRS Division. Full and/or part time National Guard/Reserve competitive shooting teams that are sanctioned by their respective military branches qualify to compete under the MIL/LE PRS Category.

    Contractor, civilian or specialty type employment for both MIL/LE will not qualify a shooter in the category.

    National Guard and Reserves, not on full-time active duty orders (title 10 / title 32), and not on a sanctioned shooting team do not qualify for Mil/LE category. Neither do veterans or retirees.

  • The PRS Suppressor Category was created to encourage and reward those competitors that use a suppressor during matches. 


  • Top shooters within each classification will be recognized at each Pro-Series match starting in 2021. They will also be afforded the opportunity to attend the PRS Pro Series finale starting in 2020.

  • Shooters with no previous year-end of season series score will be titled “unclassed” (UNC) for the current season. These “unclassed” shooters will receive a classification prior to the finale based on the current season series scores and may be eligible for entry into the finale.

  • Professional – First 20%
    Semi-Professional – Next 25%
    Marksman – Next 25%
    Amateur – Remaining shooters (approx. 30%)

    Percentages are broken down from the total number of shooters, based on yearly standings.

    The number of shooters included in each class will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number. Tied shooters who fall into 2 separate classes based on the percentages will be classed up into the higher class. The “classed up shooters” former positions will remain unfilled in the lower class.

  • Competitors in the Pro Series can achieve a classification of either Pro, Semi-Pro, Marksman, or Amateur.

    Each class consists of a percentage of the total number of affiliated shooters, based on the end of season standings not including the finale. Pro shooters, for example, will be classified as the top 20% of competitors according to the standings after the last Pro Series match of the season. Competitors within the top 55 -79.9% of shooters, based on these standings will be classified as Semi-Pro and so on.

  • At the end of each season, shooter classes will be recalculated according to the classification bracket percentages based on their end-of-season pre-finale series score. The shooter will retain this classification for the entire next season and compete within this classification at the Pro Series Finale (if qualified).

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